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The missions of ITO@UGA cover partnerships and the valorization of research results.

Its users are, on the one hand, personnel involved in commercialization projects and, on the other hand, companies and local authorities wishing to collaborate with the Université Grenoble Alpes to innovate through public research.

ITO@UGA is directed by the co-directors of the unit : (Isabelle Chéry and Maurizio Ponzoni).

It is organized into 4 expert centers: Contracts, Intellectual Property, Valorization and Start-up.

Transversal activities are also identified.

It has two committees: a political committee for monitoring and orientation and an operational committee of users.

The political committee for monitoring and orientation is directed by : Gaëlle Calvary and Hervé Courtois.

Submitted on October 20, 2022

Updated on October 20, 2022